Fallen Angel

I want to feel the wind touching my face

I want to believe that I can fly wherever I want to

I want to believe that this is my own ace

The place of peace that is the one I’m going to.

Today I will fall from the sky just like the sun

When the day reaches its end to raise the son

The one born in all the nights and dreams

The one who will tear apart all of your fears.

Iwant to fight for you being your sword and your shield

I want to be all the words and all the books for you

I want to be the missing piece that you still looking for

I want to complete you for all the time being…

And all of this is just because I

I’m still dreaming with you

I’m still looking for you

I’m still waiting for you…

I’m still an angel fallen in love for you

Once more looking hard for my wings

Once more seeing you as those wings

That will make me fly again someday.

Thiago Guimarães de Pina


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